Wednesday, January 23, 2008

job offer

Since the other day's ordeal, I went job hunting. Back to the seasonal trail. I think perhaps I was getting abit too comfortable living here and of course, can't let that happen just yet. So I found this seasonal gig working on a pirate ship. Yeah, it's something I've always wanted to do! Really, don't laugh - I'm serious. I never knew people could work on them so I never applied for a job. Anyway, it's not in the sushi field at all but I'd be the lead cook - well, the only cook aboard. It's a really cool program for teens and the crew would be teaching these kids how to sail, build confidence, learn teamwork and independence, etc. They even have an adult women's program as well.

I'm not so sure about the kid thing but the pros of this job is I'd learn how to sail, I'd be working on a tallship and be on the East coast (never been there before). The cons are leaving the sushi field and going into home-cooked meals... nothing fancy at all. It'd be more like several steps backwards in my goals. By the way, I got the job.

Then I heard from the cruiseline. They would like me to start next month. The pros - it's in Hawaii (never been there before), it's in the sushi field and there will be tons of people around. I've been noticing for every seasonal job I've been reducing the number of people I socialize with since the locations are remote - there just aren't very many people to hang with. Kinda going in the withdrawl hermit stages and I'm a bit young to start that. The cons in this position are crazy hours - well, considering it's seasonal work, I'd be returning to the 50+ hr work week (more like 80-90 hrs for this job). I have been bored with the 30-35 hr work week.... that's probably why I've been getting into so much mischief - too much free time.

Big choices. I think working on the schooner would be an awesome adventure. But perhaps another time. Who can turn down sushi? Of course, I'm going to choose that position. So I leave next month for Honolulu. Packing up and heading back to the parents place after my marathon.

Oh yeah, so my roommate is into these marathon things - this is her year of races. We signed up for a 1/2 marathon. That same roommate I did a 5K with couple weeks ago. We have about a week left in training for this one. Just going to be walking the 13.1 miles. Nothing too hardcore. It's on the beach so it can't be that bad, right? I'll definately have to let you know how it goes...

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