Sunday, January 27, 2008

good luck

Wow, so I put in my resignation yesterday for this fast food sushi restaurant. It was kinda sad leaving the place since I've begun to make friends at work. I think that made it so much easier in staying there since the job position was only fast food. One of the girls gave me a going away present - a jade elephant charm. It's suppose to bring good luck. Now, to be stereotypical ( I know, I'm bad), I can fit right in the Asian culture by having a charm attached to my cell phone.

Then she also gave me a dzi necklace. It's really cool - it's a Tibetian bead (agate) that brings good luck. I was trying to find the meaning and this link gave the best description.

I've seen these kinds of necklaces before but never knew the meaning of it. Wow... I just thought people wore it because they liked it. Hmmm, now I'm enlightened. Interesting stuff to know. That's just so amazing to find out about other cultures.

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