Monday, December 18, 2006

More cold, perhaps ugh!

Well folks, I'm getting ready for my next adventure. Granted it's a bit early but I think having options are always a good thing. My contract for Pole expires in February, but I think I'll go sight-see for a bit and return to the States in March - maybe do a bit more traveling. I'm not sure yet of those plans but summer season starts in May and I have my next destination in mind. A couple destinations...

I've applied for a couple seasonal jobs as well as some permanent ones in Canada, Alaska, Vermont, Washington and of course Texas - and decided to winter-over on the Ice for the rest of the year (so far, I'm an Ice alternate). The offers are slowly coming in even though I won't need a job for a bit. This is kind of a short season but well worth it.

I guess I get a bit nervous when I procrastinate but alot of people want immediate availability so that discounts a few of the jobs I've already applied for. Yeah, can you believe it I was thinking about giving the seasonal trail a breather. But I think as the offers come in, I'm re-evaluating. There's so much of the world yet to see - how can I think about settling down in a crusty ol' job?

It's so inspiring to meet all these different people from all walks of life. I think that's why I liked the military so much - if it weren't for that I would never of met some really neat and interesting people. But like the military, we all start off as strangers and become friends and listen to some amazing stories from each other. Anyway, I think it's great that there are all these people older and younger than me that have the adventureous spirit and desire to see the world.

This is the 2nd year I've applied for Alaska so there must be something there calling my name. I've applied both at Glacier Bay and Denali. I've always wanted to go to Denali - the waterfalls are suppose to be amazing. But Glacier is right on the ocean and there's a lot of sea stuff to do - plus, I'll forgo hot weather for the ocean anyday. Temperatures get around 60F in the summer. That just might be a little tropical compared to -20F! So I'm leaning more towards Glacier - the interview went well and I think I'm just going to wait and see what happens.

Hmmm, incredible! I guess people can actually climatize to the cold. Crazy that I would! Right now it's -26F with a windchill of -37F and it's kind of warm out. Ha! To hear me say that it's warm - perhaps the thin air is getting to my brain?

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