Monday, December 25, 2006

Inside the Dome

I've finally gone inside the dome and took some pics. We currently use the dome (the 2nd South Pole station) as storage although the construction crew is slowly disassembling it. It keeps getting buried every year from the wind and re-located ice crystals and bulldozers have to dig it out.

It was amazing to see there was snow inside the station. I was thinking the snow was there from the snow drifts and wind but from what I hear, the dome was constructed right on top of the snow so it's a constant -50F inside.

After 45 minutes, my eylashes started to frost

Me at the dome entrance

The blue room - I don't know why it's called that since it is not blue but white with frost. This is where the galley keeps most of the baking ingredients - bags of flour, frozen fruit, candy, etc.

Inside the center of the dome, there is an opening with 5 holes. Perhaps it is for air circulation? But you can see the flag flown through the holes.

This is part of the original housing for the people that lived in the dome.

Surplus goods - food and supplies.

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