Sunday, November 26, 2006

The going is alright

I started back to work last Thursday...just a few hours at night - no longer than 4 (as prescribed by the doc). It was a little slow going just because I felt so out of breath and tired quickly. I did put my 4 hrs in Thursday pushing myself to do that last hour... And Friday worked out. I didn't have to push myself but I was quite exhausted only after those few hours. I ran out of the diamox and nifedipine on Saturday so I'm drug free and breathing on my own - no oxygen assistance... kinda nervous about it but so far, I'm alright.

Jake (my baker buddy) and I had both Saturday and Sunday off - our Thanksgiving holiday. So it gave me lots of time to recover and hangout with a few of my co-workers. We all celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday so most of the crew could have a two day weekend. The galley had 3 seatings breaking the 242 population down into smaller groups in order to feed us all. We had a great meal prepared by all the chefs and included.

Tonight, I'm scheduled to work my full shift. 8pm-6am. I'll have to let you know how that goes... but everyone is still asking how I am and to take it easy, take lots of breaks and just don't over do it. I've been feeling good this morning. I'd been napping throughout my weekend since I do have the "crud" and I woke up feeling a lot better.

To those who don't know what the crud is...well, I just figured it out too. I'm a bright one, I tell ya! It's the common cold. It's strange. I'd heard that terminology before - "Alabama crud," "Bosnian crud", "Hungary crud", "Kuwaiti crud," "Afganistan crud," "Iraqi crud" and even "New Jersey crud" but I just thought people were weird. Now I'm enlightened with just a bit more brilliance defined all by the "Polie crud."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

take it easy for reals! i'm glad you at least got a little thanksgiving out there. and damn that crud to hell. i'm gonna start using that word for when i'm sick. it sounds cool.
