Monday, September 03, 2007


I did wake up to something strange yesterday. I didn't know quite what it was and thought that the cat got in my room and pounced on the bed... but it wasn't the cat. My friends said it was an earthquake.

Had it confirmed today after class. The earthquake was a 4.7 - a baby. Hey! My first earthquake experience. So strange since I lived in San Francisco, and I don't think there were any the whole year and a half I was there. There were two that I do know of - one before I got there and one after I left but none while I was there.

So my roommates got me interested in playing on the Nintendo. We played some weird line game and of course, I lost a majority of them. Believe it or not we played 42 games. They finally went to sleep but I kept on playing and forgot all about the time. When I looked at the clock it was almost 2 AM. It's a good thing I don't need much sleep during the week since I have to wake up by 530! At least the traffic was light this morning due to the Labor day holiday.

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