Saturday, December 08, 2007

another '07 goal

This has been a fairly good year. I made 3 goals for this year and all of them have been accomplished... well, kind of. One of my goals was to move to Austin, which did happen. I just didn't stay there as long as anticipated. The other two was the cross country bike ride and sushi school.

With those down, and still having a few more weeks of 2007, I thought to create a new goal. Ah yes, swimming lessons. Ok... with this cruiseline job, I figure I should learn how to swim. You know, just in case the boat sinks or I just want to jump ship. I think I might know how to swim - I do play in the pool alot but its really not being able to swim but the fear of what's in the water with me and not being able to touch the bottom. Mind games, I know... too many Jaws movies as a kid or an over abundance of watching Lake Placid or any other freaky water movie. I would like a refresher course of the basics just in case. At least, when I get more confident in the water I'll be able to do more water stuff that I've been wanting to try out but have been wary of. I hear Hawaii's got alot of stuff to offer and of course, all the water stuff I'd like to do.

So far, the lessons are going alright. I swallow and inhale quite a bit of chlorinated water. Cooties, I know! I'm not quite coordinated yet in keeping my head above water when breathing. Hopefully though with more practice the less water will be taken in. And the deep end... whew, I try to keep my mind pre-occupied since thinking about touching the bottom and can't is when I tend to get real nervous.

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