Sunday, July 22, 2007

life changes in an instant

Wow, this past week has been a blur. Partly because I was bored and ended up getting a second job. And partly because of family. With this second job, I've been working 13-15 hour days which certainly make a long day although time passes quickly since I just work, sleep and repeat the process.

Family issues... pretty much everyone knows I stopped the seasonal trail to save up to return to school. In the meantime, I would enjoy the warm weather and ride my bike all over Texas. It has kind of been the way I planned. Texas is warm and I do ride my bike although I did not account for all the rain and stormy weather. Usually by now the lake has dried up and green grass, brown from the heat and drought. This year is unusually wet for Texas, and doesn't make good riding weather but there have been some real good rides.

To sum it all up. I got a job offer... and I'm moving.

ROAD TRIP!!! Heck yeah - another cross country trip! Wow, this is totally way cool to be riding my bike so much. I'm so very excited! After being neglected so much these past couple of years, I think my bike is just as happy! More mileage = more fun.

This time back to Washington state to hang with the parents (and work to death). My thoughts were I'll be working the same hours but a different location. The parents need help so here we go... I'm moving Tuesday. I should be in Washington by this Friday if all goes well. I'll be taking in another portion of the US by bike and sticking to the main interstate. I will stop and see some friends along the way and perhaps take some cool pictures so it's all in great fun.

Life in an instant. Whew! Takes you by surprise sometimes.

I'll be back to Texas, but I'm really not sure when.

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