It's been a grueling past few months. Actually, I'd like to say it was grueling but it wasn't. It was more of a sit, hurry up then wait type thing. We've come extremely close to not opening at all due to having to spend more than we planned. We invested too much to back out and not much left to keep going forward, which left us anxious and losing hope. Luckily, this past week we finally passed our plan check, got all the appropriate stamps, signatures and approvals. Thank Buddha and lots of prayers!
Our opening is planned for Friday, September 30, 2011! We are truly looking forward to this date. When I say we, most of you already know I hired my Father as my Sushi Chef and are opening this venture together. Yes, we are both Sushi Chefs but I figured I can do all the hot food cooking in the back and have him be in the front. This will be really neat since I also hired my best friend as my waitstaff. We haven't worked together in quite a while - actually I haven't seen her in a while so it will be good to catch up.
Our sign on the building. We are located in a strip mall in a large plaza. Hey, out here in SoCal most all the best sushi places are in strip malls. |
It's a good thing I know a variety of people! I hired several friends of mine - for the store website and designing the store logo, artwork, consulting, blueprints, etc. And some friends even volunteered to come help me out and let me borrow their tools - ladders, paint brushes/ rollers, wrenches, etc. What a great bunch of friends!
This 3 panel sakura (cherry) tree artwork is actually purchased from an out of state artist. I really liked his work but the original was a 4 panel piece. When I called him, he was extremely nice and willing to convert his painting into a 3 panel show piece. |
Here is where the sushi-making will be happening! |
Kintaro and the Koi is a popular Japanese folk hero, based on a real person. He is linked to the annual celebration of Boy's Day, which celebrates their strength and health. |
So if any of you are in the area, please stop by! We've also got delivery and take-out. Sushi Shack is located at 1546 W. Redondo Beach Blvd, Gardena, CA 90247.
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