Friday, June 13, 2008

Weekend Ride

Time is flying by so quickly. I thought I had written an update about that ride. Apparently not. So the ride was last Sunday. I just figured it out... I typed it up but forgot to publish it.

What a quick weekend! Arrived back in LA on Friday and met up with a friend early Saturday to go for a ride around the canyons. Sunday was the ride for diabetes – Rip’s BAD Ride. I thought it would be only a ride but come to find out, there were vendors and entertainment too. Spent almost the whole day there checking out other bikes, chrome bike parts and accessories, clothing and of course food. I went with some friends and this was their first biker event. We also got VIP passes since we had earned so much in donations. As a VIP, we received a denim vest with the Rip’s BAD Ride logo, t-shirt, sweatshirt, better parking spot (in the shade!) and BBQ. Thanks to those that contributed and making this possible!

One of the vendors was Boss Hoss. Nice bikes… I’ve seen them before at other biker events. They are huge! I’d be kinda scared to ride those – they have a V8 car engine… but it would be fun. I wonder how fast it can go.

This is a Boss Hoss. Whew! Such a nice bike...

Overall, I think I put on about 250 more miles on the bike. The rest of this month is booked as far as weekend rides. I seem to forget that I’m a distance rider - I like riding to far places so 100 miles here or there doesn’t seem like much… more like a breath of fresh air. In the meantime, I met another biker. Chatting with her I found out we starting riding around the same time – back in 2000. I was telling her I don’t ride very much since I travel a lot and my bike is in storage for a majority of the time. But when I do ride, it’s to distant places or an all day ride. For other bikes my age, I really should have double or triple the amount of miles on it so mine is still in real good shape with abit more than 22,000 miles. It was funny that she did a double take when I mentioned the miles. I know, I said… small amount. Then with a half grin, she said for 8 years old her bike only has 5,700 miles. Wow, that’s more like a dust collector! (Sometimes thoughts just slip out of my mouth).

As far as work goes, I've been putting in some long days. 630AM-11PM or midnight. Sometimes, I'm off early - by 8PM or so... not much free during the week. I decided that I'd have the weekends off for bike riding.

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