Saturday, January 02, 2010

New Year

Running late as always, lately... but  Happy New Year!

Looking back, 2009 sure went fast. Day by day, it seems like time passes so slow but weeks and months just flew by extremely quickly this year. Quite the roller coaster ride, there were ups and downs throughout the year like the excitement of a possible new business and opening a restaraunt, to selling out my portion of of the restaurant, to leaving the restaurant industry completely for a total career change, going on my first Iron Butt mini ride of 1,000 miles in 18 hours and last minute mini vacations. 

There will be some definate long rides planned out for 2010. I'm quite looking forward to them!

I hope everyone has a great 2010. Best wishes to you all.

1 comment:

gemini said...

Love you post and your motorbike...though sad, I don't know how to drive one. Visiting here, visit me too.