The ride organizer decided that we'd hit up a new breakfast location. I had heard some really good reviews but when we got there, I guess it really is a good place because the line to get a seat was out the door and into the parking lot. With 11 starving women, we decided to go elsewhere - across the street. The parking was empty and they served breakfast, lunch and dinner. But once we got inside I found out it was a bar. They were open and we were the only ones in there besides the server. Something was wrong with the cook and in hindsight, I should have asked if I could make breakfast. It would have been alot quicker and much tastier! We were all busy talking but about an hour went by when all of a sudden we realized it's been along time and we're still hungry! It took 1 1/2 hours to get our breakfast after the server took our order. But we were flexible on time so we ate very quickly and everyone was still hungry. The food was just awful and we were joking around we should have ordered drinks... they probably never made food before.
Two hours after we arrived at the bar, we were ready to go. Next stop was a historical town called Julian. It was an old mining town but is now famous for pies. The route we took were all 70's... Highway 76, highway 79, highway 78. Very scenic and lots of space! It's mostly farmland, wineries and just hills. We definately took the "scenic" route for sure! But all was good because the scenery was so nice and I didn't even notice we were going the wrong way... about 60 miles the wrong way. No one else noticed either.
We finally made it to Julian. The whole town closes at 5PM. Luckily, it was 4:50 and everyone was starving and we stopped for pie and ice cream. It really was good. But honestly, I think my mom's pies are better. What can I say, I'm biased!
Out of all the riders, I live the farthest. I got home around 1030PM... so 14 1/2 hours. We took a few extra hours on this trip. I think last time, it was almost a 12 hour day. We had a lot of new riders and about half the group had never ridden in the dark before. They nervous and were not prepared. I didn't realize it until later but I think there were only a few that had eye protection for night driving. I was wondering why some were riding so slow but they had sunglasses on! Whew, very dangerous. A long day but it was just a nice time riding around, socializing with new friends, etc. I definately think this ride is a keeper. I know we'll be doing this ride alot since the organizer wants to perfect this ride in 6 hours.
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