Monday, January 22, 2007


Saturday was the showing of SPIFF. This is the South Pole Independent Film Festival. Anyone could have joined to make a home movie about anything. There were 2 showings - 1 for day shift and 1 for swings... with a total of 14 movies. Some were really interesting and good - quite a few talented people here on station.

I watched the 0130 showing... which technically was Sunday morning. As for snacks, I made sushi. A friend of mine sent me the makings which was an awesome care package. It turned out really well and was devoured within minutes. As with me, I guess people like sushi here wasabi and all.

So that was the end of my first week on swing shift. Not bad. It's a slower pace but I get to see and talk to more people. I guess I've been going almost all season without knowing a lot of people on station (only the 70 or so on midrats) and now I'm meeting the rest as they come through the dinner line.

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